Juergen Hoeller opened SPR-15320 and commented

Servlet 4.0 b03 is available now, introducing support for HttpServletRequest.getServletMapping(). As discussed, let's research what we can transparently infer from this when available at runtime, as an alternative to "guessing" about Servlet-level URL mappings in UrlPathHelper. If there isn't any distinct advantage, we can also keep our path-based code as it is, but we should make up our mind in time for 5.0 RC1 here.

Issue Links: - #17273 Support for Servlet 4.0 API - #19942 Compatibility with Servlet 4.0 final draft - #20434 Upgrade to Servlet API 4.0 for MVC (PushBuilder and Servlet mocks)

Comment From: rstoyanchev

This is superseded by #25100.