Introduce MultipartFormDataRequestMatchers
for MockRestServiceServer
. Handles ONLY multipart/form-data
MockRestServiceServer mockServiceServer = MockRestServiceServer.createServer(restTemplate);
MultiValueMap<String, Resource> filesMultiMap = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
filesMultiMap.add(foo.getName(), foo.getResource());
filesMultiMap.add(bar.getName(), bar.getResource());
MultiValueMap<String, Object> paramsMultiMap = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
paramsMultiMap.add("fooParam", "foo value");
paramsMultiMap.add("barParam", "bar value");
mockServiceServer.expect(ExpectedCount.once(), requestTo("/foobar"))
.andExpect(content().multipart().param("foo", "bar"))
.andExpect(content().multipart().param("foo", "bar", "baz"))
.andExpect(content().multipart().file("fooFile", foo.getBytes()))
.andExpect(content().multipart().file("fooBarFile", fooResource, barResource))
.andExpect(content().multipart().file("bazFile", customResourceMatcher))
.andExpect(content().multipart().files("fooBarFile", filesMultiMap))
Related to which handles x-www-form-urlencoded
Comment From: rstoyanchev
I have processed these changes and scaled back the solution a bit. I've kept 2 multipart methods, one with MultiValueMap<String, ?>
for exact matching and one with Map<String, ?>
for a contains match. This meets the requirements of the original request #20653. It is how the RestTemplate
takes input for multipart requests, and is consistent with the existing matcher for form data.
As for form data, i.e. the other PR # 23671, I've added a similar new method with a Map<String, String>
for a contains match. It's next to the existing one in ContentRequestMatchers
rather than at the top level MockRestRequestMatchers
In any case thanks for the contributions.