Affects: \5.2.6.RELEASE and minor (since 1.1)

If I see the javadoc of the AbstractTemplateViewResolver class, it indicates:

public class AbstractTemplateViewResolver
extends UrlBasedViewResolver

Abstract base class for template view resolvers, in particular for FreeMarker views.

Well the class really is not abstract how is expected.

Of course it comes from the source code:

Comment From: jhoeller

Well spotted! This class is primarily named after AbstractTemplateView (which is actually abstract) but nevertheless does not make sense as a concrete class (so should be declared abstract indeed).

Comment From: jhoeller

It turns out that there are two more such cases: AbstractJCacheConfiguration and AbstractJmxAttribute. I'll fix those along with this issue.

Comment From: manueljordan

No problem, I was doing a tech review for a book and I did realize this situation ... I had the doubt to arise or not this ... and well really is a bug

As usual, huge thanks for your effort in this wonderful framework!