I've noticed that the spring-boot-starter-parent probably contains an invalid configuration of the maven-shade-plugin. There is an "empty" transformer delegate.transformer('')
which causes a NoSuchMethodException in some cases. The configuration of the transformers has been changed from 2.2.x to 2.3.x.
Comment From: wilkinsona
Can you please provide some more information about the NoSuchMethodException
? There's an accidental empty <transformer></transformer>
in the configuration, but I doubt that would cause a NoSuchMethodException
Comment From: pse-sonic
My fault - The empty transformer is also a part of the 2.2.x configuration of the shade plugin.
I figured out that the problem is caused by the missing attribute implementation for all listed transformers. If I override the shade plugin configuration and add these attributes to the transformers (based on the 2.2.x configuration) the problem is solved.