Upgrade Spring Boot 2.3 to Lettuce 5.3.0. The release will be available by next week once Project Reactor 3.3.5 is available.

See also: https://github.com/lettuce-io/lettuce-core/milestone/62

Comment From: farooqkhan003

@philwebb can I pick this task?

Comment From: philwebb

Thanks for the offer @farooqkhan003, but we have a semi-automated process that deals with upgrades so it's best if we handle this one.

Comment From: farooqkhan003

@philwebb that's ok. Can you refer to some relatively simpler task for me? That will help me understand the project too.

Comment From: philwebb

@fabriciocolombo If you're trying to get started with the code take a look at the CONTRIBUTING file. That should explain how to get things setup and running.

For issues, we have an status: ideal-for-contribution label that might be useful.