The httpClient is now deprecated so we need to migrate to the new API.

As a result, we should double check that the connect-timeout and read-timeout properties are still honoured. If they aren't we need to make sure we add metadata to flag them as error.

Comment From: snicoll

There is a clientProviderType that we may have to expose as well.

Comment From: shakuzen

@neiljpowell has work on this prepared, I believe. Edit: at least the changes related to NewRelicClientProvider

Comment From: neiljpowell

Hi. Yes, I have a branch and can submit a PR for the new API later today. @shakuzen we'll need to finalize moving the connect/readTimeout into NewRelicConfig or other, per the other Micrometer PR I submitted, at least for the cleanest approach. Not required though.

Comment From: snicoll

Superseded by #20908