Related to: ISSUE -20828

Issue Explanation: Spring-Kafka configuration change - Starting with version 2.3.4, the missingTopicsFatal container property is false by default. (Previously) When this is true, the application fails to start if the broker is down; many users were affected by this change; After this S-K config change, default for spring.kafka.listener.missing-topics-fatal is no longer aligned with Spring Kafka's default.

AIM: Update the missingTopicsFatal default value to be consistent with above referenced Spring-Kafka change

This commit contains: * In update missingTopicsFatal default value to false. * Unit test to assert that new default is consistent

Comment From: snicoll

@dhirenmathur thank you for making your first contribution to Spring Boot. Well done writing a test for testing the default, although we already had one. It is interesting we had the same chain of thoughts! Turns out those two tests are identical and wrong since they assert the outcome of the auto-configuration rather than the actual default in Spring Kafka.

I've moved that test where it belongs now. Thanks again!

Comment From: dhirenmathur

Thanks @snicoll , don't know how I missed the existing test 😅Thanks for the feedback. I'm Glad to be contributing to something I use daily at work 👍

So now that I have successfully dipped my toes in the water, do you have any other unassigned small issues you can recommend me to try out? Also, are there any channels where I can gain more knowledge about the project workflow?

Comment From: snicoll

There is contributing page and we have labelled issues for things we believe is suitable to new contributors. However, anything that's triaged and unassigned is fair game. My recommendation is to pick something you care or you use yourself.

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