springboot version 2.2.5
spring.path=/web url.a=http://www.baidu.com${spring.path}/index.html
No replacement after compilation
spring.path=/web url.a=http://www.baidu.com${spring.path}/index.html
Comment From: snicoll
@501956430 it's hard to figure out what you're trying to report. You've mentioned compilation so maybe you're expecting Maven to filter that variable for you? If that's what you want, the default config uses @
as delimiter.
If you believe you've found an issue in Spring Boot, please take the time to create a small sample, either as a zip attached to this issue or pushed on a separate github repo.
Comment From: 501956430
@snicoll I hope so Replace placeholder with
url.a=http://www.baidu.com${spring.path}/index.html url.a=http://www.baidu.com/web/index.html
Comment From: snicoll
@501956430 sorry but that doesn't help me figuring out what problem you're facing. As requested, please share a small sample we can run ourselves.
Comment From: 501956430
@snicoll References to properties file variables
appliction. properties Defined properties
Comment From: snicoll
@501956430 I understood that part but it is not clear to me why it isn't working for you. As requested, please share a small sample that shows the problem. Go on start.spring.io, create a new project and reproduce the problem that you're describing. Once you're done, push that to a repo and share the URL or zip it up and attach the zip here.
Comment From: spring-projects-issues
If you would like us to look at this issue, please provide the requested information. If the information is not provided within the next 7 days this issue will be closed.
Comment From: spring-projects-issues
Closing due to lack of requested feedback. If you would like us to look at this issue, please provide the requested information and we will re-open the issue.